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Why We Do What We Do -- Oak & Ivy
Why We Do What We Do -- Oak & Ivy
Why We Do What We Do -- Bones
Why We Do What We Do -- PeeWee
Clara and Star
Why We Do What We Do -- KC
Why We Do What We Do -- Fred
Why We Do What We Do -- Curley
Puppy Mill 1
Puppy Mill
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Please Help us Find Dosli

This Rhodesian Ridgeback went missing Penryn, CA area on December 31, 2024. He is 80 to 100 pounds and can be easily identified up close via a missing part of his lower right ear:

Please call (916) 295-8226 with any information.

Click Here to print a flyer.


HSSF Receives Commendation from Placer BOS

On January 11, 2022, the Humane Society of the Sierra Foothills received a commendation from the Placer County Board of Supervisors! This commendation recognized HSSF for more than a decade of animal welfare services to Placer County communities. Our Board members, volunteers and supporters are very proud to be recognized for our work supporting animal welfare in the county.


Placer Co. Facebook Announcement

HSSF employees and volunteers receive commendation from Placer County BOS.
Rosemary and Marilyn

A Little About Us…

Since 2007, the Humane Society of the Sierra Foothills has been enforcing California’s anti-cruelty laws that protect animals from abuse and neglect and serve the public.

You can read more about our animals and programs in our newsletters.

If you would like to help us find homes for homeless animals and promote the prevention of animal cruelty, please LIKE us on Facebook and consider linking your business or personal website to ours.

On behalf of the many animals that continue to benefit from the generosity of caring people like you, THANK YOU for your support.

Important Links

Scared doggie
Dog paw on top of hands
Woman hugging dog
Cute kitten

HSSF in the Community

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